When to get married in Denmark
If you are reading this then it is likely you have already read and considered Whether to get married in Denmark, Why to get married in Denmark and How to get married in Denmark, and are now thinking of When to get married in Denmark.
As it is one of the fastest and easiest places to marry in Europe, and we cover all Town Halls from the gorgeous quaint Danish Islands, to the more Northern Towns, Towns by the beach, Towns with Danish Unesco heritage sites, Town Halls right near to the german border, and Copenhagen City Itself — you really can pretty much have the freedom with us of choosing a date and how fast you want to marry, and then we find you an amazing Danish Venue to suit this! Rather than the usual complexity of having only one venue to look at, ringing up and finding out they are booked up months or years in advance and you have absolutely no freedom or flexibility as to the timeframe of your wedding.
So thats another reason Denmark is amazing to get married — total wedding venue, date, speed, location and season freedom!
Get married in Denmark in any season, they all have something to offer
When you make an application with the Agency of Family Law (the Familierethuset), once approved it is valid for 4 months from the date of issue (unless you have a VISA, Schengen 90 day entry period to consider that has already begun, or a permit expiring). So for example if you are approved on May 1st you would have the freedom to chose a ceremony until September 1st. So by deciding when you want to get married in Denmark, your wedding planner in Denmark can plan the application process accordingly. It is advised to use a wedding planner as they can also put the application on hold for you before approval if anything unforeseen happens, and also move the ceremony date and Venue for you.
Denmark for a Spring Wedding — (March, April, May)
The season of spring is (in my opinion) particularly poignant for weddings, as it marks new starts, new life, a new chapter, hope, freshness, anticipation — everything that you can relate to weddings, marriage a new union, new chapter of your life with your soul mate. The colors around Denmark in every town are incredibly, the pink cherry blossoms (which are quite famous in Aarhus and Copenhagen!), the greens of sprouting trees, the yellows and purples of tulips and daffodils, it is really something quite magical.
In Denmark in Spring, we have the Queens birthday on April 16th, so there is always something special with a procession though Copenhagen by the queen, which is a site to behold, very regal! We also have the International Viking festival in Ribe, so you could team that with a wedding in Ribe or Ejsberg and get your “Nordic love on”!
April 2nd is the birthday of the darling of Denmark — Hans Christian Andersen, so Copenhagen celebrates that with plenty of Fairytale themed events.
Springtime in Denmark is a time for freshness and new life
Aalborg has the largest carnival in Northern Europe and is held on May 23rd, famous across Europe as anyone can join in — its huge, noisy, vibrant, happy, and incredible! The theme is Samba, so there is a lot of dancing, and at the finish point in Kildeparken there is live music from every Genre and also DJs, local pop, Reggae, Afro, Samba, Rock. After the main festival there is a lovely children’s festival which is themed “what I want to be when I grow up”.
The country starts to awaken and bloom after a Nordic winter of silent regeneration, and the daily growth and transformation is amazing and a constant evolution of nature that is breathtaking.
Denmark for a Summer Wedding — (June, July, August)
These are the nicest weather months usually, and if you choose outside of School holidays they are quieter, cheaper and you get the fun without the crowds.
We know a great company that offer guided tours in Copenhagen, from Danish food tours to walking tours of the City or spend a few hours in Christiania (the home of Lukas Graham!)
Nyhaven Copenhagen is glorious and colorful in Summer!
A trip to Denmark would not be complete without a visit to Tivoli Gardens, it is the second oldest amusement park and pleasure gardens in the world (the actual oldest is also in Denmark around 10km away!), the fountains and rides are beautiful, with light shows after dark and an amazing food court its worth a visit no matter your age! Scattered throughout the park there are also local craftsmen selling wares.
Get married in Denmark Copenhagen and visit Tivoli Gardens
Gay pride parade in Copenhagen in August is a HUGE event with parades, celebrations, educational talks, dancing, singing, lots of love and happiness. It is quickly becoming the most popular and largest Gay Pride event in the world, and all are welcome, Same sex, transgender, hetero supporters — Denmark is all about the love. Denmark is one of the worlds top same sex wedding destinations to get married.
Copenhagen Gay pride in August is an amazing event!
Summer would not be complete without an ice cream on the beach and gazing out over the serene sea waters gently lapping at your toes. And Denmark boasts many gorgeous beaches all over Denmark. Sondervig beach is a favourite of the Danes, and is an easy drive if you are coming from Germany.
Some towns offer the possibility of getting married near the Danish coast
If you would like to look at marrying in Denmark in the summer, and you are going to have at least 2 guests who can act as Witnesses for you, then you can look at an external wedding at a beach or in a Garden if you would like. Summer months are best to have this as the weather is usually more conducive to external weddings! Ejsberg, Ribe, Aero, Ronne, Stevns all are able to have a registrar perform an external wedding. There is an additional fee for the travel expenses and extra time of the registrar, but it is a nominal fee. Speak to your expert wedding planner in Denmark to help you with this and discuss possibilities and options, as they can usually help you with wedding flowers, wedding photographers and anything else you want also.
The red pin marks Sondervig beach, a favourite Danish summer destination!
If you like Jazz and also the Beach, you could combine this with your wedding and go to the Aerø jazz festival at the end of July! Aerø is a favourite location for International couples looking to get married in Denmark, and also a personal favourite of Marry Abroad Simply, as its a gorgeous Danish Island, you can get married very quickly after approval, and the locals are so nice!
Get married in a Danish Island wedding quickly and prettily
End of August you can watch millions of migrating starlings dancing in the skies over Tønder, photos never quite capture it, and it’s a famous site. Tønder is another incredible location to Get married in Denmark that is close to the german border.
Getting married in Tønder has so much to see!
Denmark for an Autumn Wedding — (September, October, November)
As you probably know Denmark is famous for Lego, this amazingly versatile and fun toy which captures all ages, and has now branched out into movies originated in Denmark and is made in Denmark… So the Lego land in Denmark which can be found in Billund is INCREDIBLE for all ages! It is worth a visit!
When you get married in Denmark, try and save time for a trip to Legoland
The Aarhus festival is a huge Scandinavian cultural event, with thousands of visitors and performers attending for 10 days in early September to celebrate all things Scandinavian. You can also easily get married in Aarhus and get married in Denmark in a truly Scandinavian way and feel during this event.
Beautiful Kolding in Autumn
Denmark for a Winter Wedding — December, January, February)
Tivoli gets another mention, its a personal favourite of ours, with the Christmas lights and decorations, and the smell of Mulled wine… Its festive, romantic and magical!
There is so much to do and experience, Christmas in Denmark starts mid November, and you can cuddle up to the one you love whilst snow falls in amongst the twinkling lights and at the same time enjoy a cup of gløgg, the Christmas markets are so achingly Nordic and quaint!
Getting married in Copenhagen at Christmas is magical!
If you are feeling active and want to warm up you can do some Ice Skating in Frederiksberg, which is a suburb of Copenhagen and another great location to get married in Denmark if you are looking for a leafy alternative to getting married in Copenhagen.
Getting married in Copenhagen Frederiksberg in Winter
Christmas in Denmark is celebrated on December 24th and you can say in Danish “Glædelig Jul” which is merry Christmas! The main family get together on December 24th sees the meal of either roast pork or duck and a cold rice dessert with an Almond inside, which brings a gift to the finder of a Marzipan pig! There are many Danish traditions which you can embrace and combine as your own to celebrate and keep with you always your wedding in Denmark, and start a new tradition for your new family after getting married in Denmark!
Photo credit Xavi Baeli
There is so much to offer in Denmark for your wedding, and it is never too early to start planning and looking at what you need, or having an idea of which location and season you would like.
We are happy to provide advice and a free no obligation documents list of which documents you will require to get married in Denmark or Get married in Gibraltar — just contact us on any of the methods below.
Have a look at our awesome YouTube channel for short information Vlogs on how easy it is to elope and get married abroad!
You can easily contact us by clicking here or by e-mail at interest@marryabroadsimply.com or call us on +447934933356 or what’s app +4571493483
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